Monday, December 25, 2006

one of my diary enteries.. (I)

standing on the terrace, i was looking at and admiring two skies:one up above the world so high with only few visible, sparkling, twinkling li'l stars and other one just opposite to it,here on earth with far more sparkling stars(light) when suddenly some past, sweet memories that i experienced in hostel life started flashing in front of my eyes, scenes still crystal clear and then my grin turning to smile turned ultimately to heartful laugh (i was alone on terrace) and two drops in my eyes. tho these scenes are imprinted in my mind and heart n cant be blurred in ny way but still,i wud like to make a back up here (not that i dont trust my memory;i knw some of my near n dear ones might b smiling here :D). god knows wen i may need to read it from here to give me strength in time of crisis..
the incidents r being mentioned in chronological order:

*the first mid night b'day celeb i attended in my life n enjoyed was that of my friend,my sis,my same-behaviour-showing(as careless and as caring as me:)) hostel mate shagan. i cant forget that night.

*making of robotic machine for the event 'dirt racer' involving shagan,pooja,ankita kansal(the only day sche) n me in my rum,burning my table a bit during welding process.

*working in cc's rum for welding m/c parts and taking help from senior and then having a night out at shagu's dadi ma's place (as we dint want to waste few bucks paying the fine for getting late that night in getting back to hostel). tho shagu n pooh were equally determined as i to wake up whole night n finish off work,they finally end up sleeping leaving me fully awake so that i cud wake them up aftr an hour but alas i cudnt make them wake up again n ended up with waking up whole night all alone.. finally they woke up in morning,only to get ready for college!! :)

*first dp(dinner party) i saw in hostel which 2nd yearites gave.

*night out on the final night before the day the robotics compttn was to take place when we all 3 were in 'our mini workshop'(an extra,empty rum of hostel on first floor in the corridor where there were rums of seniors; which we got for work after permission from caretaker) working and partying. we made our project,our robot work for the first time..hurrray.. and then a loud music at 4 a.m. w/o worrying abt seniors being disturbed while they sleeping(n chances were very high that 1 may come there n not only scold but just thrw our robot in trash box). we were so much elated, oh.. we were on 9th cloud!

*and oh my.. how can forget those nights when i had ice creams (orange bar always,its being our fav) with pooh n sometimes shagu on open terrace past midnight with moon looking down at we fools and we savoring not only candy but chills of winter nights of chd(we had been doing this in the month of jan n feb too).

*i still dunno whether i shud be laughing or feeling stupid for doing this act: i was sitting with pooh on terrace.. wahi gappein.. wen suddenly she made me promise i'll accompany her in her nxt act wat she desires to do. i said ok(i dont rem any incident when i said 'no' to pooja except only one,wont mention here) n she said she wants to stand on terrace's boundary wall and next moment we two were actually standing there.. looking ahead,the canteen ramp and the btfl scenery,looking above, sky dazzling with stars,looking below, our grand,beautiful garden n looking behind.. hey r u ppl nuts,how can u think we cud dare to look behind standing on that thin,'death' wall... we stood there hand in hand for a couple of minutes enjoying breeze cutting thru our face.. oh.. i wont deny the fact i do cherish that moment even now..

*many more b'day nights when the b'day gal cuts cake at 12 am n gets bumps apart from cake all over the face.. many b'day parties' nights when we order food from some restaurant n have the 'tasty dinner' togethr..

*many nights when many of the batch mates watch movies,cuddling togethr on a small bed of the host's room n sharing the laugh on funny scenes or tears on emotional scenes!! n yeah, not to forget that one night wen we decided to watch (n watched) movie coz there was no light in hostel. we had to change lapis 5-6 times as and when their batteries ended but no body cud sleep w/o seeing the end of the movie!!!

*n those nights which me n pooh spent waking up till 3 or 4 am discussing "duniya jahan ki baatein" n sharing some prob n some feelings :D

*tho we had many dance parties till now but one of them was spl, we brought the music sys on terrace n danced there in open :)

*the latest one being sitting in shweta's rum along with her n shagu at midnight,shweta cooking maggi and then mixing the 'paneer tikkas' i brought and then finally feeding our friends n not ourselves.. 2 spoons,3 ppl.. each one making the other one eat.. oh,it already making me emotional even when there r still 6 months left b4 i leave this hostel or my college!!!

there r lots many incidents but space limited n its already ramayana here!! i'm seriously very lucky:enjoying half of my college life as a day sche n rest half as hosteller experiencing both the lives (can actually tell abt pros n cons n compare these two lives now)!!


Anonymous said...

hostel life is full of cherishable moments...and it's nice to maintain a diary of sorts....the best comment you could possibly get has already been given by pooja...waise, it wasn't that unexpected ;)...
we surely are going to miss hgh once we start working...u'll especially miss the wi-fi...i was just thinking what wud u do if chatting was not allowed in flex....hee hee...
so all in all...hgh surely rocks..and we'll miss these keep penning all lovely moments....Cheerz!!!

ag said...

@anonymous above :P

oh dear,u really made me reciprocate the "best comment" i got from pooja.. sachchi..

Anonymous said...

In my opinion you are not right. I am assured. I can prove it.