Wednesday, November 08, 2006

hi all once again..

The reaction of some people (the list includes my family n close friends too) when i told them that i started writing blog was "so which news article u covered?" n I was like "hey I’m talking about blog, I’ve not become news reporter!!" but then I suddenly realized that "hokay, people generally have the misconception that blog is all about discussing and debating about some news only. But it’s not always easy to make them change their views and tell that it’s not about news only but it’s just like an email to the world. It’s my diary, open to all where I can post articles as and when I wish.” So I thought that better I write something about something in news, after all that won’t be a bad idea and I’ll have a new experience too!! So here I’m discussing (or debating and expressing more of my views rather than just news) some news articles but again, as I do only what I like (most of the times, unless there is really some force pressurizing me to do something even when its of not my interest), I’ll discuss only those news items which influenced me in one way or other or mattered to me.. so here I go with 3 articles..

Pappu fail ho gya!!

"An investigation is under way after Cadbury withdrew a million chocolate bars which may have been contaminated with a rare strain of salmonella." And then the company gives the excuse for temporarily recalling the chocolates that '(the act)is precautionary but risk level is low' as if the common people cant make it out that there cant be any measure of risk level when it comes out to be a matter of bacteria like salmonella. And then the company is assuring the people that they may contact and return the chocolates to the company and get the refund but who will tell these people which bars are affected and which not, or is the company saying that u have it a bit, get unwell and then they will refund the cost for chocolate or is the company saying it will also pay for the medical expenses of the people or other financial damage they may face because of these chocolates!! But the company was successful to gr8 extent in suppressing the matter and not made much hoo haa about it.
Waise who cares, I to had a damn lots of chocolates during that season too, after all, it was my b’day season :D;)


No this was not the good one but rather the worst in Indian history as far my knowledge is concerned!! Yeah, I’m talking about Mumbai blast. One morning wen I picked paper, I was shocked (hadn’t seen the news prev day). “A series of explosions on trains in the Indian financial capital Mumbai (Bombay) has killed scores of people.”.. I’ve one additional reason for getting more concerned with the news apart from being an Indian n its that this city is my hometown now!! Though my mom was with me during those days in city beautiful n my dad was there alone n I knew he never travels by train, but still this news had definitely shaken everyone at our place. N then this event gave rise to another issue after a month or two after its occurrence, everyone in the world was so much concerned with the 9/11 incident but no country showed much of concern over this incident!! Surely 7/11 is black day in our history. No further comments…


No this is not the news about bike but yeah about a car (both have a similarity: if they have a good model and appearance, they appeal me :P;)) and this is really quite an interesting news, especially for those who believe in “need for speed” J and the heading is something like this: “JCB car beats diesel speed record :A car built by JCB has broken the diesel engine land speed record after reaching 328.767mph (529km/h).”
Wow, what an awesome and stunning speed yaarrr... n this was around end of august.. The car achieved this as average speed during two runs in Utah, USA and let me mention the “lucky driver” of the car when this record was being made. Ladies and gentlemen,let me present you, the one and only wing commander Andy Green form RAF Wittering in Cambridgeshire. Huge rounds of applauds J and for some engineers who are looking for some technical terms here, then here read this line: “The Dieselmax car is powered by two turbo-charged JCB engines built at the company's plant at Rocester.” So here was another piece of news that had brought a smile on my face and must have brought smile on your face too.

N after this, I’m out of contact of the world for a looooong time but from now on, I’ll surely try to keep myself updated so that I can too participate in these debates and be able to express ‘my reactions and what I feel about them’.. still I think my blog will be more of my diary page rather than centre where people be able to show their views about happenings in the world thru comments :P;)


Anonymous said...

yaar that was some speed 4 sure!!!!!!!!

u know the max i've driven was
around 120kmph and papa was like
dheeeeereeeeyyyyy karrrrr!!!!!!

god but the feeling was awesome!!!!!!!!!
though i must confess u tend to loose control of car at that speed...

and yes its only in india that ppl link blogs as their personal diaries abroad these are mostly discussion portals and have impact on many issues.....


Anonymous said...

that was me mj...

ag said...

thnx mj again for visiting this post n commenting n for sharing ur exp..

n hey i was talking other way round, we in india tend to take it (blog) as "news discussion grp" but ppl abroad do have it as diary page..

c here in blogspot itself,u'll find many ppl who 'll b using this blogsapce more as diary page rather than news channel..