Tuesday, January 09, 2007

PS(pre-script):-Very very personal blog post… :D

8th jan,2007
10:00 pm

thot of writing one more blog before I leave my hometown 'Mumbai' city for my own "city beautiful" but I’ve so much to write about that i dunno what all to include n where to start from or end it... even right now, I’m having so much of mixed feelings:- happy for my countdown began already wen I’ll leave this city on Sunday, the 14th coz I’ll meet lotsa frnds there after so long but sad for I’ll b leaving my parents here. not just that, this time I met with 'Sahithi' (she too had come to meet her parents here in vacations) n we two became such gud frnds within one week that now I’ll miss her a lot as she's leaving for her city Hyderabad today. tho v've promised each other that v'll b in contact via net n msg but still thinking this that we met for first time n most prob this is our last time(as she ll leave for US this yr after completing her engg),its a bit difficult to bid her farewell..
I’m very upset also as my frnd just now shared a prob n then I had a ‘bit’ personal prob too to tackle with but I was lucky my best frnd was there again for me. So I felt light hearted (n then got excited too :P) n elated thinking that I got so many, so caring friends around me. Then I received such a nice msg from Nupur tonight giving some advice n telling ‘one more lesson’ of life (yeah telling not teaching, that’s the peculiarity of hers) n not just that, she msged me next telling me something I had already thot n started too – “write a blog today, u’ll feel nice”. Then I was reminded abt another fact – ppl who r close to heart r linked by heart always (even if they r far away) n think n react alike at some situations.. I’m feeling like emotional n yet very strong too.. oh so much of mixed feelings n now so much to write abt in this blog..

Not once but thrice this thought of writing a blog crossed my mind in last two weeks, each time when I was happy in spite of bad times (thinking about the good times, the better situations n best frnds) but still writing it today n ll b publishing it tomo :P

next wud i mention abt wrong nos!! oh wat a exp i had here!! first i msged my frnd,nupur thru my papa's cell. but unfortunately i dint notice that i had stored older no of hers in that cell n not the newer one. the next day i again wrote a msg cursing her(writing stupid n all) for not replying n then wen i rcvd a msg saying 'i dint recognize u', i scolded her for not storing papa's no n omg,that person wrote such rubbish things n asked my address pretending to b nupur.then i realised 'daal mein kuch kaala hai" n by the time i realised it was wrong no n stopped replying,that person started giving missed pe missed calls. finally i told my papa n mom everything n my papa called that person clearing everything!! the nxt week,i rcv a call from another frnd,puneet. i dint pick the call thinking i wud call him back from local no aftr confirming if its urgent.but this time again,i changed one digit out of ten while messaging him(asking if i shud call) by mistake n c wat a smart person this was, he replied 'call me'.. wen i called n asked if its Puneet, he started explaining that its not him n its a wrong no. some guy named 'brijesh' from chennai was there n not just that, he was moron to this extent that he made me talk to him for more than 2 min!!! omg, kaise kaise namoone bnaye hai bhagwaan ne. but wat was surprising was that wen i sent the same msg on rt no this time correcting that one wrong digit, I again rcved a msg from 3rd no saying 'its again my no I dunno how u got it, nyways nice talking to ya'!!!! What??? :O What’s going on yaar! I dint dare to send the msg again to Puneet tho i rcved msg from his no for next two days.. Hey Puneet, I’ll kill ya if i get to know this all is ur trick wen I return back n catch u in college..
Not just this, I rcv, on avg, one call everyday from some unknown no, new each time.. uff, so I discovered a fact: wen u r in ur city u may or may not rcv calls from wrong no but wen u r out of city, u'll surely rcv umpteen no of them..

Being the second last week of my stay, me n my mom finally started going out of home in local buses, trains n taxis. We visited so may different parts of Mumbai (I liked Shri Siddhivinayak temple, Mahalakshmi temple, Hazi Ali, fort, fairy at Gateway of India, nariman point, marine lines, worli sea face, even vt station n lots more places..) n also did so much of shopping n oh my gosh, my mom spent a whopping 7000+ amount on me alone in shopping in last two days :P:D:) n still we’ve plans of shopping more this last week too :) not just that, I even got a chance to b a part of live audience to a musical event held at 'tejpal auditorium'(oh, what a voice these singers had got n what an art these musical instrument players had got, they together made all that was dissonant in my life melt into one sweet harmony) n "hasya kavi sammellan" (not just talent of making ppl laugh while maintaining straight face themselves, these ‘kavees’ had got the patriotism n such strong emotions n then such powerful tools (kavya or trenchant poems) so as be able to venture out n express their feelings, opinions n suggestions with full force n vigor inspiring 800+ ppl sitting there) held at 'shanmukhanand hall' here with my mom n dad 2 nights in 2 weeks n enjoyed them so much. Seriously I had nice time in last two weeks!! I even went to oxford here, a library cum shop. They have enormous, magnificent collection of books, most of which were of my taste. I enjoyed spending hours there tho I wish I could get more time to spend there..

In the end, again I’m reminded about all the ‘good n bad’ times we all friends had till now making me feel ‘time flied away so soon, slipping even now like sand from my hands.. I had come just yester to this college n tomo I’ve to leave it.. not fair’. I missed u spectrum so much here today (actually I set my screensavers to b our pics which flashed in front of my eyes n oh, how I felt when those indelible memories were refreshed is just too complicated to b written in words here..). Know what, u ppl really have that indomitable power of making anyone’s vapid n dull life a splendid one, full of wonderful colors n beautiful music.. My heart loses its limits in joy and gives birth to utterance ineffable when I think about how lucky I’m to b a part of this gang, spectrum :) n it would not be justified on my part if I give all the credit to my gang spectrum alone.. I’m thankful to all my other friends also who came in my life n became an inseparable part of it n made it worth living.. Thank u all.. all this makes my inner voice more stronger day by day which says -”LIFE’S BEAUTIFUL” not just coz I’m happy right now but realizing “it’s an amazing teacher” which tests n teaches u lesson in its own mysterious way n then rewards u too so beautifully!!!

Like water, be peaceful
Like earth, know your balance
Like fire, be alive
Like wind, fly free
Life is beautiful
Live n enjoy it!!

Ciao friends
Take care

(now that u dared to read this post till here in spite of its title mentioning it’s personal, do bother to comment about it whatsoever, whosoever u r :P)


Anonymous said...

good 1 yar, humen bhi ye chalti saath mumbai, to hum bhi ghoom lete..

waise i must say ur way of joltin down ur feeling is gettin better n better..

accha hai.

n yup 4m next time b careful while playin wid dese nos..

Unknown said...

comment :)

ag said...

thnx for ur comment sumit.. thnx a lot.. i'm so obliged to u nw..

n hey anonymous darling,waise to i guessed who r u but still next time,mere yeh do chaar brain cells bhi burn mat karwna.. k

ag said...


n yeah,i shudnt forget to say u thnx for the compliment after burning my few grey cells ;P

thnx dearie

Unknown said...

hi sweetie
today read ur long long ramayana of all blogs...
u becoming a very nice writer
keep it up:)

now burn ur gray cells to think who m i......

ag said...

oh my golu sweetie

i got who r u,n really very nice n creative name of ur blog :)

thnx for giving ur precious time to my blogposts :)

take care

Anonymous said...

Good words.