Sunday, January 21, 2007


this ll be my shortest blog ever n that too w/o title.. still feeling like to write just one thing:

life is a teacher.. but has its own strange way of teaching.. unlike teachers at school n colleges,it first takes ur test n then teaches u a lesson!!

thnk u,u r my fav teacher,my life!!!


Anonymous said...

true life is a gr8 teacher.. teaches in its own way n takes test too..
hope u always emerge as winner:)

ag said...

thnx "the anonymous"

Anonymous said...

agreed to an extent, bt nt completely. ppl who r close to u, also take ur test...there r ups n downs in every relation, and the decisions u take in those moments affect u and also other ppl a lot...sometimes in life, u do take wrong decisions, n no matter how much u try to convince urself (at a later stage), that it was the right decision, u can't...though at present u feel that u hav passed the test, one or the other day u'll realise that u failed...passing or failing in a life's test cannot be defined cleary...its nt a binary thing (one or zero), bt rather its too better leave it to god to decide who passed the test or who failed...
in short life n also ppl close to u take ur test, n u can't urself decide whether u passed or failed...god will decide the winner...hope u too emerge as a winner :-)

ankurindia said...

nice blog