Friday, September 29, 2006

Tribute to our "FAVrite" teacher


No,this blog hasnt been left blank uptil now by mistake but this is tribute to our sir who left us in mid term to join job.. Sir as u dont teach us anymore,we dont study anymore (another reason is that new teacher doesnt teach any more). So when this new teacher of ours tried to take our "surprise quiz" after one and a half lecture (she had taken test in rest half lecture in very first lecture of hers to check if anybody listens to her or not and people we really proved her... "we DONT" as she is not worth that) with so many things which not a single student in class has ever heard of, all the students decide in silence by communicating without words (actions really do speak more and have more effect!!) and after the agreement, we all hand over the BLANK (yes,u really read it right.. blank) SHEET to ma'am with just name written over the top and are out of class within 10 minutes!!!

what a mind blowing experience!! everybody was doing "HI-5" after coming out of the class as if dunno how big a thing we achieved.. but yeah, they (our seniors) say u should try different things and have new experiences in final year!! thanks to u peolpe too for motivating us and being the inspiration behind our such acts :P;)

have a gr8 day ahead my frnds


Anonymous said...

yeah gr888888 feelin to leave d class lk dat.
actually its 1st time we attempted such a cute gesture na, ha ha.
now she ll giv us a little repayment 4m her side by callin d HOD,
right buddy :p :p

MJ said...

yaar it was ok
but dont know i kind of feel bad
it was a good thing 4 class unity
something which really does'nt exist...

Anonymous said...

hey it was nice yaar...
wen we ppl were leaving the class..a gud feeling was there..maybe it was a sense of unity..i donno.,bt it seemns dat we ppl ve dn sumthing in final year dat we r nt gonna forget for our whole lives...........

but on the other hand somewhere i was feeling bad for her too..we ppl had completely disappointed bhi ho,.she is our teacher yaar..

i know i m sounding like a diplomat..but dat is wat i felt dat day!!!

Anonymous said...

n ya we r really gonna miss him...............infact we r missing him,..he was amongst the best teachers PEC had..


Anonymous said...

who left?

who is the new teacher?

am surprised you people actually managed to have such a unity. it would be impossible in e&ec

ag said...


first thing first,'m really surprised to c ur comment here!! u actually found time to read MY blog when ur papers are r going on or is it that ur papers over n u free??

now replying to ur ques,we,the students of IT and C.Sc(that totals to 60,same strength as E&Ec)managed to leave the class.. earlier we had deepak malhotra sir as our teacher and now padamavati ma'am!!

so u wanna ask anything else or appreciate this act once more? :P;)

Sumit Tada said...

Read ur blog earlier also, lekin comment nai kiya.....
Good writing yaar...keep it up!!!

And ho sake to mujhe bhi kuchh inspiration do ki i can re-start blogging....

Sumit Tada said...

Ooops i forgot to tell my name....
Sumit Tada