Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Intro to spectrum.... Finally!!!

this is seriously not an easy job but okie,lemme try.. ab blogging shuru ki hi hai to yeh to karna hi padega... but i wud seriously love this blog the most if 'm able to achieve wat i want here i.e. able to give such a description of each member of spectrum that u get to know the person even before meeting (but ppl,plz dont start developing any kind of judgements abt them w/o actually meeting them..)

hmm which color of spectrum should i pick up first???
okie,lemme start with deepti,my bestest pal with whom i ve spent seven years already n can spend another seven before our destiny really force us to be apart(but v'll b in contact forever,hai na dp..). after this i'll pick up other colors of spectrum alphabetical wise(the easiest choice wen u dont want to make any discrimination or wen its not possible either..)

we call her dp or dj with love in our group, not that this name doesnt have ny significance other than being short form of name:DeePti.. she is the best dancer of group n always ready for it too,each time full of energy..
the "most sensitive" gal of our group, but the "most caring" too.. she just cares and does so much for spectrum that her expectations rise too!! but.. we all ppl r just too kewl :P;) The "best teacher" of grp,u'll find her surrounded by peolpe before the exams times listening to her so intensely that nobody wants to be interrupted while she is teaching. She teaches so well that u can come totally unprepared,listen to her once and then go to examination hall without fear and u seriously get passed [that too with bonuses;)] one more quality of hers speaks volumes abt her, she is so simple and very very ethical and wont ever go against parents wish even if that means killing her lots of desires... She knows her limits too well and never even dares to come near it,leave alone crossing them.. she is amicable, an understanding friend who is always there beside u wen u need her,has practical attitude towards life, a great great fan of harry potter, and yeah, source of inspiration wen u feel down!! hey so much sugar coated stuffs, lemme tell one truth too;) she is famous for djs(deepti jokes) and has recently acquired membership of mfc(a very popular club of spectrum!), slow at getting some things (which then needed b explained explicitly to her) which she should otherwise get hint at herself!! i dont think one would find any other flaw in this girl n her frnship,kyun spectrum..

next comes my another 'close to heart' friend, aanchal.. she is an example of 'beauty with brains' in our group.. i met her in college only and we first talked very late in first semester but my journey with her since then is very memorable.. we did pooling on our two wheelers and got to know abt each other's views sooner after that. We really had gr8 'compatibility' with each other, having almost similar views for 'relationships'.. we fought a lot but cleared all the matter so sooner that everytime we felt our relationship getting stronger!! hey i cant forget those 'long long walks' with u.. those were simply gr8.. hey waiiiit,i think enuf of 'we',lemme write abt u explicitly.. haan, sach ppl, this gal is "most understanding" and "most practical" of all. she is a gud listener,a good advisor,a caring friend, a gr8 lover(aanch u wud prove, at least, this someday...wont u). the gud thing (tho u may not like this quality of hers wen u r d one involved;)) is that she is always neutral and doesnt take side of anyone for no reason and expresses her 'unbiased' views abt wat or who she feels is wrong or right.. very much extrovert n friendly,can talk to anyone under the sun without a hitch, confident n the thing which impresses me most: she really knows how to keep cool in true sense, maintains her calms always and never ever takes "useless tensions".. hey gal,u'll surely reach the heights n 'm sure u wont forget us even after reaching there,hai na :)

now switching over to ankita(kya kehtein hai usse.. meri "hum-naam"), she is the "most mysterious" girl of our group.. u cant claim that u know her 'more than herself' as she always has one or other "BIG secret" of her life all to herself which r suddenly revealed n that too so casually that it gives a shock to everyone for days!! but hey ppl,she is the coolest person to work with!! i've now been working with her as team mate in many projects and assigment and seriouly,u dont even realise wen the whole semester of college passed and our work got completed without actually completing it :P;) only smart ppl will get this last line now!!! as if not just being cool is enuf,she is "romantic" too, always eager to 'help the couples' who may approach her!! she is really very very much selfless gal, u dont find many of her kind.. she helps soooo much without expecting anything in return at any time.. she wudnt once make u listen that we ought to do her ny work as she did once our imp work or helped us. hats off to u n ur selflessness yaar

now comes magi,ooops i mean megha.. called megs with love by spectrum.. this girl is really very very sweet.. but before i start writing for her,lemme have a break ppl.. lemme get enuf of insulin else i may get diabetics!!

catch ya ppl soon..


Anonymous said...

hey gupi..
gr8 work yaar...
finally...u ve written about spectrum..the most awaited post of urs:-)

its seems to me dat is why u nt came to clg yesterday...he he he

agar aise ache post likhne hain to u r free to tk as many holidays as u want[;)]n we ppl will tk care of cuts...
nw waiting for ur next post about shimal trip..ok sweetie..tc


Anonymous said...

ya great job mazza aa gaya:)
